Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How To Research: Library Notes

  • Micheal
    • Occupation
      • Library Researcher
    • Purpose of His Speech
      • To teach us how to perform proper research
    • Credibility
      • He has helped people perform research of all kinds.
  • What is Micheal's Outline of the Day?
    • Topics
      • Building on Research
      • Search strategies and tips
      • Finding good sources
      • Evaluating sources
      • Research
  • Information Literacy
    • Definition
      • Recognizing when you need certain information, where to go for it, how to evaluate it, and how to apply it to create something.
  • Primary Sources vs Secondary Sources
    • Primary Source
      • Direct Sources, Data, Facts
    • Secondary Source
      • Academic, Peer-Reviewed, Sources
  • Academic Content vs Popular Content
    • Popular Content
      • Is based on popular opinion
    • Academic Content
      • Academic
      • Peer-Reviewed
      • Written by scholars, experts
  • What Websites Have Better Sources
    • .edu
    • .gov
    • .org
  • CRAAP Test
    • Currency
    • Relevance
    • Authority
    • Accuracy
    • Purpose
  • Searching Effectively
    • Methods
      • Search repeatedly using different key words and different databases
      • Use filters to narrow your results
      • Boolean Logic
        • You want to search two different topics, and you want documents that cover one or the other.
          • Ex. Topic 1 /or Topic 2
        • You want to search two different topics, and you want documents that cover both.
          • Ex. Topic 1 /and Topic 2
        • You want to search a topic, but you don't want another topic.
          • Ex. Topic 1 /not Topic 2
  • When Taking Notes
    • Make sure to always list the source and the page number of every note you take from a specific source.
  • Good Sources
    • Britannica
    • Oxford Journals
    • Oxford Reference Library
    • UAH One Search
  • What are Research Starters?
    • If you search a topic on UAH One Search, you could find a research starter which is a relevant encyclopedia entry.
  • How to do Domain Searches?
    • site:(.edu,gov,etc)
  • Think Tanks
    • Definition
      • Organization or Institution that conducts research and engages in advocacy in policy, politics, etc.
    • Examples of Think Tanks
      • Harvard Think Tanks
        • Is a database of think tanks 
      • Brookings Institute
      • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 
      • RAND Corporation

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