Three Sources For Informative Speech
- "Mission". N.p., 2016. Web. 12 July 2016.
- ("Mission")
- Nobles, Marceilia. Informative Speech Interview. 2016. in person.
- (Nobles)
- "ABOUT US.". THE WORLD NEEDS MORE LOVE LETTERS. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 July 2016.
- ("ABOUT US.")
Interview Notes
- What is your position in Campus Cursive?
- Vice-President
- Do you feel you know a lot about Campus Cursive?
- I feel I know a lot, but not as much as the president.
- Imagine I know nothing about Campus Cursive, what is Campus Cursive and how can I get involved?
- Campus Cursive is a group in which the members write anonymous encouraging notes, and leave them around campus for people to find.
- If you want to get involved we have meetings under the stairway by Dunkin Donuts in Charger Union, on Friday afternoons.
- They typically have free donuts.
- How is Campus Cursive Relevant to the Average UAH Student?
- As far as the giving end, it is a good way for us to know that we are helping people have a better day, and for us to get together.
- On the receiving end, it is to help give those with a bad day, a bright smile and help to change their life for the better.
- How is Campus Cursive an Academic Group on UAH campus?
- We implement writing and creative skills, and you can use it to practice cursive writing.
- What is More Love Letters, and what does it have to do with Campus Cursive?
- More Love Letters is the mother corporation that started long before campus cursive, that does the same thing as campus cursive, but on a larger scale. They send notes to individual people as well as to a cause. Campus Cursive was started by one pretty awesome girl named Elizabeth. Aidan (President) helped Elizabeth to help develop Campus Cursive, he was following the message before Campus Cursive was fully fleshed out.
Annotated Bibliography
"ABOUT US.". THE WORLD NEEDS MORE LOVE LETTERS. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 July 2016.
"Mission". N.p., 2016. Web. 12 July 2016.
Nobles, Marceilia. Informative Speech Interview. 2016. in person.
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