Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Information Systems Chapter 2 In Class Notes

  • Bad Communication
    • Bad communication leads to problems between groups of people.
  • How to Be A Good Person
    • Don't be a jerk
    • Don't ignore the people around you
  • How the World is Changing
    • The world is becoming more integrated.
  • Collaboration Tools
    • Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Job Security
    • Having a unique skill is pant-amount to job security.
    • If you cannot be replaced, then you have job security.
  • Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration
    • Collaboration
      • To revise your work based on the feedback of your team, and continually form new work, get more feedback, and revise
      • People collaborate to make better 
    • Cooperation
      •  To divide work, and each member of the team completes one part of the work.
      • People cooperate to work faster.
  • What are the important characteristics of a collaborator?
    • Be enthusiastic, open minded, and curious about a subject
    • Speaks their mind
    • Willing to enter difficult conversations
    • Skillful at giving/receiving negative feedback
    • Willing to put forward unpopular ideas
    • Thinks differently and brings forward different perspectives
  •  Least Important Characteristics for an Effective Collaborator
    • Well organized
    • Someone you immediately liked
    • Essentially any characteristic that makes someone look good on the surface, but doesn't really say much about the actual person.
  • How to be a good team member
    • Be specific
    • Offer suggestions
    • Avoid Personal Comments
    • Strive for balance
    • Question your emotions
    • Do not dominate
    • Demonstrate a commitment to the group
    • Don't use over-generalizations
  • How do you manage projects?
    • Starting
    • Planning
    • Doing
    • Finalizing
  • Who are the Actors?
    • Hardware
    • People
  • What are the Instructors?
    • Software
    • Procedures
  • What Bridges the Actors?
    • Data

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