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Power-Point Notes
- The Impact of Technology on the Business World
- Everyone became empowered by the Internet
- What Did The Internet Allow People To Do
- Choose what they wanted to see on the Internet
- The Impact of the Ability to Choose
- Businesses now had to tailor to the consumer, as the consumer now had the ability to choose.
- Who Became Empowered by the Internet
- Consumer
- Firm
- Getting Loans
- Businesses at the time of the internet's beginning were able to get loans simply by mentioning that their business worked through the internet.
- This bit the dust in 2001, when many of the businesses that believed that the internet was going to magically transform their business, died.
- The Entire World Was Connected
- What is the Focus of the Course?
- Technology and how it changes business
- Building Abstract Reasoning Skills
- How to build models
- Building System Thinking Skills
- Building Collaboration Skills
- Building Experimentation Skills
- Study Questions
- Why is Introduction to MIS the Most Important Class In The Business School?
- Because of Moore's Law and other factors, the cost of data processing, communications, and storage is essentially zero.
- This motivates technology to continue to grow, and technology continues to impact our everyday lives.
- What are the Cost Effective Business Applications of Social Network Applications, or Whatever Will Soon Appear?
- Future business professionals need to be able to assess these Business Applications with the proper skills.
- How Can I Attain Job Security?
- Marketable Skills are the only job security
- One must develop strong non-routine cognitive skills.
- What Are Marketable Skills?
- Abstract Reasoning
- Example
- Construct a model or representation
- Systems Thinking
- Example
- Model System components and show how components' inputs and outputs relate to one another.
- Collaboration
- Example
- Develop ideas and plans with others, and provide and receieve critical feedback.
- Ability to Experiment
- Example
- Create and Test Promising New Alternatives, Consistent with Available Resources.
- How Can Intro To MIS Help You Learn Non-Routine Skills?
- Abstract Reason
- Ability to make and manipulate models
- Learn five components an information system model
- How to create data models
- How to make process models
- Systems Thinking
- Ability to model system components, and connect inputs and outputs to reflect the observed system.
- Collaboration
- Working together with others to achieve a common goal.
- Ability to Experiment
- Make reasoned analysis of an opportunity, developing and evaluating possible solutions.
- Avoid a fear of failures
- Should we fear new technology?
- New technology produces new jobs, but also eliminates many old jobs.
- One should not fear new technology, instead one should simply learn how to adapt and take hold of new opportunities.
- What is MIS?
- Key Elements
- Management and Use
- Develop, maintain, and adapt by creating an information system that meets your needs to take an active role in development.
- Information Systems
- Stradegies
- What is the Five Component Framework for Information Production
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- Procedures
- People
- Why Do Information Systems Exist?
- To Help people achieve business strategies
- How do you use the Five-Component Model?
- Hardware gets instructions from software.
- People get instructions from people.
- Data is the bridge between software and procedures.
- Innovation has to do with data, procedures, and people.
- Automation has to do with data, software, and hardware.
- What Are Cognitive Skills in this Course?
- The basic understanding of technology.
- What is the Difference between IS and IT?
- IT is primarily based on hardware and software.
- IS focuses more on people and procedures, than hardware and software.
- What is Information?
- Knowledge derived from data, where data are recorded facts or figures.
- Data presented in a meaningful context.
- Processed Data
- A Difference that Makes a Difference
- What are Necessary Data Characteristics?
- Accurate
- Timely
- Relevant to context
- Relevant to subject
- Just Sufficient (Extremely Important)
- Worth its Costs
- What will we see in 2025?
- People will be more connected.
- Bottom Line of MIS Course
- It will give you the background you need to assess, evaluate, and apply emerging information systems technology to business.
- It can give you marketable skills, the only job security that truly exists.
- Many MIS related jobs are available.
- There are many more information systems jobs than there are simple programming jobs.
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