Thursday, July 7, 2016

Excel Lab Notes

Future Value

What it Will Look Like

=FV (annual interest rate, years, yearly payment)

How are Yearly Payments Portrayed?

As negative values

How to Calculate Monthly Interest Rate

Annual interest rate divided by twelve.

How Do You Calculate Total Number of Periods When Given Years, When You Require Monthly Periods

Years Multiplied by Twelve

How Do You Calculate PMT For Monthly Payments

=PMT(Monthly Interest Rate, Number of Periods In Months, Amount Borrowed)

How Do You Calculate PMT for Annual Payments

=PMT(Annual Interest Rate, Number of Periods In Years, Amount Borrowed)

What is the Basic Set-Up for PMT?

=PMT(rate, number of periods, principal value)

How Do You Calculate Borrowing Amount

(Price+(Price*Sales Tax Rate) - Down Payment- Trade in Value)

How Do You Calculate The Monthly Payment of a Car Loan?

What Will You Need To Know

  • Price
  • Down Payment
  • Trade in Value
  • Sales Tax Rate
  • Interest Rate
  • Borrowed Amount
    • How to Calculate Borrowed Amount
      • =Price+Price*Sales Tax Rate- Down Payment - Trade in Value 
  • Terms

How to Calculate Monthly Payment of a Car Loan

=PMT(Annual Interest Rate/12, Terms, Borrow Amount)

How to Calculate The Principal (Loan Amortization)

=PMT (Annual Interest Rate/How many payments made that year, which payment it is, number of periods, present value of the borrowed amount [which changes])

How Do you Calculate Interest (Loan Amortization)

=ipmt(Annual Interest Rate/12, which payment it is, Terms, Present Value of Borrowed Amount [which changes])

How Do You Calculate the Balance (Loan Amortization)

Original Amount You Borrowed Minus The Principal

What Do The Dollar Signs Do?

It locks the value as a constant. You put the dollar sign in front of the number and letter of the cell variable that you want to make constant.

How Do You Calculate the Sum of a column?

=sum(Starting Cell Variable : Ending Cell Variable)

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