Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Information Systems Independent Study Notes

  • What Are the Two Key Characteristics of Collaboration?
    • Feedback
    • Iteration
      • Collaboration is built upon creating a work, showing your work to a peer, getting feedback from your peer, and then revising your original work based on the feedback given by your peer.
  • What Are The Three Criteria For Successful Collaboration?
    • Successful Outcome
    • Growth in Team Capability Overtime
    • Meaningful and Satisfying Experience 
  • What are the four primary purposes of collaboration?
    • Being Informed
    • Make Decisions
    • Solve Problems
    • Manage Projects
  • What are the requirements for a collaboration information system?
    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Data
    • Procedure
    • People
  • How can you use collaboration tools to improve team communication?
    • Synchronous Communication
      • Occurs when all team members meet at the same time, such as with conference calls or face to face meetings.
    • Asynchronous Communication
      • Occurs when team members do not meet at the same time.
  • How can you use collaboration tools to manage shared content?
    • Through applications and cloud drives.
    • Shared content can be controlled or not, but their is a spectrum of control.
  • How can you use Collaboration tools to manage tasks?
    • Examples
      • Sharing Task Lists on Google Drive
      • Sharing Task Lists Using Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Which Collaboration IS is right for your team?
    • It really depends on what your team needs, based on what your team is trying to do.
  • 2025?
    • Face to face meetings will become more rare.
    • Free data communications and data storage will make collaboration systems cheaper and easier to use.
    • More employees work at home full/part time
    • Conventions become virtual
    • Travel industry focuses on recreational travel
    • Asynchronous Corporate Training

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